For years, we have been seeking out bean-to-bar chocolate for our own enjoyment. We feel as if we have journeyed around the world through chocolate. Join us on our chocolate journey…
Take your time, this bit is fun. Read about bean-to-bar and why it matters. Read about our makers, the flavours and the origin of the chocolate.
Order your chocolate
This bit is crucial, especially as some of our chocolate is in limited supply. And all of it is utterly delicious.
Once your chocolate has arrived, do a little excited happy dance.
Choose your first bar
Open it with care. Look at the bar. Notice the colour, the shape, the thickness. It all matters. Put the chocolate to your nose, inhale the aroma then snap a piece off.
Place the chocolate on your tongue
Let it melt. Don’t chew. Focus on the texture. Wait for the flavours. The chocolate will do all the work.
Fall in love
Life will never be the same