The Academy of Chocolate has announced the results of the Tree to Bar and Bean to Bar categories of the 2022 Awards.
The Academy of Chocolate was founded in 2005 by five of Britain’s leading chocolate professionals, united in the belief that eating fine chocolate is one of life’s great pleasures. They encourage chocolate lovers to look ‘beyond the label’ to differentiate between chocolate confectionary and ‘real’ chocolate.
This year saw 170 tree-to-bar entries, with 900 entries across all categories, and 83 awards handed out in total across tree-to-bar categories.
The full results of the 2022 awards are here (external link) but below you’ll find the bars that we have available.
You can also taste some of the winners with our Award Winners Box.
Tree to Bar Plain (Dark)
Tree To Bar Flavoured
Dark Bean To Bar (Under 90%)